Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Communication skills


Mrs Beena talked to us about Communication skills, her first statement that got us all thinking was that "Idle mind is devils workshop”. In simple words communication is a message given by another person to you. She told us that you should treat people the way you want to be treated.Communication is basically a skill and art which needs practice, after all "Practice makes man perfect". She also told us some ways we can avoid conflicts with our friends, like being polite, not taking others for granted  and understanding or sinking with the persons feelings this method is known as "Paraphrasing" . We all shared our experiences she said that "the way you talk to someone is very important "., After the speech, we all were overjoyed and started relating our experiences with her talks and included the important terms in our speech while talking to our friends. This way the talk was very helpful.

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