Sunday, August 31, 2014

PYP Exhibition Orientation for Grade V

The PYP Exhibition is where students showcase their learning from throughout the year. The students of Grade V had an orientation on Monday, the 25th of August, preparing them for the PYP Exhibition. In this orientation, we learnt how we can overcome obstacles on our own and how we can collaborate with our team members and work toward a successful exhibition.
As part of the orientation, we were shown a video of a boy who built his own arcade using cardboard boxes. He pursued his goal and never gave up. We were inspired and many of my classmates and I now try to work as a team to fulfill our goal of being committed to our studies. We showed the same dedication in completing the tasks given to us during the orientation. This was a first step towards building teamwork.
We had fun exercises like developing a Venn Diagram where we compared our UOI topics and the PYP Exhibition. After doing this exercise, we realized that the PYP Exhibition is a culmination of our learning from the UOI topics.
Our teacher’s tips for the exhibition before the orientation were very valuable in helping us understand what is required from us. I look forward to the exhibition! - Ratnam VB

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