Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Honoring the anchors of our family!

"Grandparents, like heroes, or as necessary to a child's growth as vitamins."
Joyce Allston
Each time when we think about our grandparents who strengthen our families and shape our generation we can feel their hard work. They have broken down barriers and torched the pathways for the generations that followed, and they continue to provide inspiration and support to their children and grandchildren. On the occasion of Grandparent's day we honor the anchors of our families and recognize the immeasurable ways they enrich our lives. Grandparents continue to contribute to their families and communities in countless ways. Today by celebrating Grandparent's day we pay tribute to our grandparents and all the older generations who have reached across generations and played an important role in our lives.
To mark the celebrations, the team of nursery hosted a memorable event for the grandparents who went nostalgic.
The event began with a welcome song by the children of Grade 3. Ice breakers such as picture collage and guess the person were organized. Later, the guests shared their thoughts on experiencing the grandparent-hood with the new generation kids! The thoughts were shared in the form of songs, anecdotes and bedtime stories.
We thank the grandparents for enthusiastically participating in the event and making it a grand success!


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